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Update #2 | 16/06/2024

Posted by DonDonPan - 9 days ago

So last time I've given any news on the topic of when is new stuff coming out, I gave a 30 day window of it being June, and today, it just happens that we're in the middle of the month. I want to give some inside information on what's going on with my newest project, what it's gonna be like, and when to expect it.

Originally, ever since the end of November I wanted it to be released on the 16th of June, because of it being a pretty important date for me. So that's today apparently and I'm still not done with the album, what's up? Well, I screwed up with the scheduling. First off, Once again I though "why not sing once again? I know you've got a basically finished album, but why not spice it up a little and add a layer here and a layer there, maybe a fourth one somewhere around here, since that's all there's supposed to be", and now I have three vocal tracks to record, two of them being songs, and the third one basically being a short poem leading up to an instrumental. And I'm not yet done with the first of the three, having to spend what's been now 10 hours of finding a single diamond in the rough. The second thing that made it much harder to finish it on time, was the EP I was working on for a whole month, I didn't originally anticipate back in late 2023, or even early 2024. That one basically took up almost a whole month for me of composing. And the last and most important factor that made it so it isn't probably gonna release before June ends is, me not being able to basically sit down and compose, and instead hyper focusing on the Tekken series soundtrack, finishing it four days. For context, all of the OST's together last like 27 hours, Tekken 7 alone taking up more than a fourth of that time. I'll say this, most of it is great, but boy was some of it a slog to get through. Also in the mean time I've been busy with school and other non school related activities or hobbies, like playing on the piano, helping my family with certain tasks, learning Japanese or once in a blue moon playing video games. The last few months the only games I've been playing were the original Devil May Cry, Pokemon Blue Mystery Dungeon, and Slime Rancher 2.

I hope you all have a nice time reading this, and after you're finished. I hope this gave you some insight into what's been going on, and since school is over, I'm gonna try and get myself together to finish the last few tracks. I'm also receiving huge help from a friend of mine to mix some of the first tracks I made for the album, which without them would sound a lot worse, due to my mixing skills improving dramatically since "The Tale Of Kernier". See you all when my next project releases



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